Print media marketing can be described as a form of marketing that utilizes physically printed media in order to reach customers on a large scale. Adverts can be printed across several different types of publications, including but not limited to magazines, newspapers, direct mail, or brochures. It’s estimated that from 2015 to 2019, companies operating inside the US spent $25 billion on print advertising each and every year, which shows that print marketing is still an effective option in the modern-day.
Though these numbers may have dropped slightly over the past decade, print marketing is still most definitely a reliable form of advertising which is no doubt necessary in specific markets and industries. Print media has the potential to reach customers in ways that more talked about digital marketing methods cannot, so print isn’t going to go away any time soon.
Allowing companies to benefit from high conversion rates, improved company reputation, and a unique interactive format allows print marketing to remain mainstream year after year, but two important features trump all other reasons to get involved – strong audience demographic targeting and the ability to cash in on niche audiences. Let’s explore both in greater detail.
Unfortunately, there’s a common misconception that print marketing does not maintain the capacity to target specific audiences. Though it may be true that digital technology allows brands to attempt to refine their marketing efforts on web-based platforms, it’s important to note that a significant amount of research, strategy, and logic goes into print media marketing efforts to target a specific demographic.
Print marketing gives you the chance to advertise directly to your audience, as you can publish your media in magazines or newspapers which are based around a subscription system. For example, if you sell furniture, you can post your media in a home design magazine.
Print media marketing publications often have a more predictable and loyal audience. Publications such as magazines usually stay in circulation over a very long period of time, whilst newspapers can be a brilliant place to advertise if you’re on the hunt for local customers that reside nearby. Postcards through direct mail marketing are also a great option to target specific neighborhoods or cities. See for more info on direct mail marketing.
Print marketing is said to encourage targeting a specific audience long term far more simple to achieve, as you can choose a specific publication type that you think your target audience is going to be most likely to read. This might be something like a trade magazine that caters to a specific industry, as you can be sure that your future clientele will be flicking through the pages searching for something new.
It’s fair to say that over the years print marketing has altered considerably, yet a large portion of the basic elements still remain the same. You’re always going to see businesses marketing their services in the local directory along with numerous flyers tucked under your windscreen wiper when you head out to your car, but many brands have chosen to become far more creative with their campaigns by focusing on the visual side of things instead of the content itself.
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