
Special Olympics Kansas

Dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit and productive members of society.

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About Our Organization

Special Olympics Kansas is dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports competitions, health and nutrition programs and leadership development. Offering year-round initiatives to children and adults with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics Kansas is a platform for acceptance and inclusion as well as one of the largest advocates for healthy lifestyles in the state – regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or cultural differences.

Special Olympics Kansas has opened many eyes to the abilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities; however, more still need to be opened.  What makes Special Olympics a unique and particularly compelling cause is the exceptional potential to serve as a platform for communicating the need we all have to bring diverse groups of people together in an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion and respect.  Special Olympics Kansas serves as an example of how to be inclusive of all people and supportive of each individual’s inherent right to a life of personal attainment and fulfillment.

Every day, athletes gain more than just a chance to play a game or run a race; they gain the opportunity to become a role model, a teacher, a friend and an inspiration.  For the athletes of Special Olympics Kansas, the training never stops and the benefits last a lifetime.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run

First to Carry the Torch and Still Lighting the Way!

The Law Enforcement Torch Run began here in Kansas in 1981 when Wichita Police Chief Richard LaMunyon saw a need to raise funds for and awareness of Special Olympics Kansas. Chief LaMunyon felt that Special Olympics was a fitting cause to unite local law enforcement agencies, giving them closer ties to the community at large and to a very special population.

In 1984, after three years of successful Torch Runs in Kansas, Chief LaMunyon presented his highly successful Torch Run program to the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), whose enthusiastic support enabled the Torch Run to expand into a national event. Celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2011, the Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics is the movement’s largest grass-roots fundraiser and public awareness vehicle.

Each year, the odds are overwhelming. Across the United States, law enforcement officers carry the Special Olympics Torch on inter-state relays, running for a common cause to bring the Torch to the Opening Ceremonies of their state’s Summer Special Olympics Games.

100% of funds raised directly benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Kansas.

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